
CANCELED - Arts and Health in Education, Pedagogy and Practice

AS OF MARCH 12, 2020: Due to the uncertainty of the health crisis we currently face and the University’s decision to move classes online and cancel or postpone campus events until at least April 6, we have decided to postpone our Arts, Design, and Health Research Summit. We will focus on planning events and activities to be held during fall semester that will deepen our investigation of arts/design/health possibilities at Penn State. Please contact adri@psu.edu to express interest in a future ADRI event such as this.


Location: 125 Borland (Borland Project Space)

Discussion Moderated by Aaron Knochel, associate professor of art education

This session is part of the Arts, Design, and Health Research Summit organized by the Arts & Design Research Incubator and the Hamer Center for Community Design at Penn State: https://adri.psu.edu/news/arts-design-and-health-exploration-whats-possible-penn-state. Faculty, students, and staff in all disciplines are invited to register for sessions.

Register for this session: https://arts-health-education.eventbrite.com


Dr. Aaron D. Knochel completed his doctorate in Art Education at the Ohio State University in 2011 focused on critical media literacy, software studies and art education. He has worked in a variety of visual arts learning spaces including schools, museums, and community arts programs both domestically and internationally. Dr. Knochel has presented his research at a range of national and international conferences including the National Art Education Association National Convention, SIGGRAPH, and at the International Society for Education through Art World Congress in Budapest, Hungary and Melbourne, Australia. Dr. Knochel is currently an Embedded Researcher in the Art & Design Research Incubator in the College of Arts & Architecture. Dr. Knochel's research focuses on the intersections between art education, social theory, and software studies. From community-based media production to engaging digital visual culture in the K-12 art classroom, his interests follow the complexities of civic engagement both through the arts and through network connectivity. Publications include articles in Studies in Art Education, Visual Arts Research, The International Journal of Education through Art, and Kairos. Generally, he tries to live up to his @artisteducator twitter bio: artist-teacher-visual culture researcher-digital media flaneur-novice hacker and pixel stacker.