Aaron Knochel

Aaron Knochel

  • Associate Professor of Art Education, School of Visual Arts

Dr. Aaron D. Knochel completed his doctorate in Art Education at the Ohio State University in 2011 focused on critical media literacy, software studies and art education. He has worked in a variety of visual arts learning spaces including schools, museums, and community arts programs both domestically and internationally. Dr. Knochel has presented his research at a range of national and international conferences including the National Art Education Association National Convention, SIGGRAPH, and at the International Society for Education through Art World Congress in Budapest, Hungary and Melbourne, Australia. Dr. Knochel’s research focuses on the intersections between art education, social theory, and software studies. From community-based media production to engaging digital visual culture in the K-12 art classroom, his interests follow the complexities of civic engagement both through the arts and through network connectivity. Publications include articles in Studies in Art Education, Visual Arts Research, The International Journal of Education through Art, and Kairos.

  • Publications

    Recent Publications

    Knochel, A. (2017). DigiFab kits: Mini mobile makerspace design in the arts curriculum. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 8(1), 52-56.

    Sinha, S., Rieger, K., Knochel, A. & Meisel, N. (2017). Design and preliminary evaluation of a deployable mobile makerspace for informal additive manufacturing education. 2017 Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium Proceedings (SFF Symp 2017). Austin, TX.

    Knochel, A. (2017). Encountering wicked problems. NYS ASCD Journal, 42(1), 39-44.

    Patton, R., & Knochel, A. (2017). Meaningful makers: Stuff, sharing and connection in STEAM curriculum. Art Education, 70(1), 36-43.

    Knochel, A. (2017). Ground control to Major Tom: Satellite seeing, GPS drawing, and (outer)space. In R. Shin (Ed.), Convergence of Contemporary Art Education, Visual Culture, and Global Civic Engagement (pp. 264-277). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

    Knochel, A. (2016). DIY prosthetics: Digital fabrication and participatory culture. Art Education, 69(5), 7-13.

  • Grants



    College of Arts & Architecture Incentives and Innovations Grant, The Pennsylvania State University


    Faculty Academy of Engaged Scholarship, Faculty Fellow, The Pennsylvania State University


    General Education Integrative Studies Seed Grant Award, The Pennsylvania State University


    National Science Foundation (PI) EAGER: MAKER: Deployable Makerspace: Mobility, Additive Manufacturing, and Curricular Spectacle (#1623494)


    Teaching and Learning with Technology Fellowship, The Pennsylvania State University


    Borland Project Space Artist Residency, The Pennsylvania State University


    University Office of Global Programs Faculty Travel Grant, The Pennsylvania State University

  • Presentations & Workshops

    Recent Presentations

    Knochel, A. (2017). The Spectacle of Curricular Futures: Art, Engineering, and Mobile Making. Paper presented at 35th International Society for Education Through Art (InSEA) World Congress, Daegu, South Korea.

    Knochel, A. (2017). The Right to See: Assistive Technologies and Visual Arts Education. Paper presented at 35th International Society for Education Through Art (InSEA) World Congress, Daegu, South Korea.

    Knochel, A., Liao, C., & Patton, R. (2017). Super Session: Critical Digital Making. Panel presented at National Art Education Association Convention, New York, NY.

    Knochel, A. (2016). Human Satellite Cofigurations in Mark Making. Paper presented at 4th Conference on Arts-Based Research and Artistic Research, Helsinki, Finland.

    Knochel, A., & Meisel, N. (2016). Making for the Masses: An Undergraduate Course Combining Art and Engineering. Paper presented at A2RU, Denver, CO.

    Knochel, A., & Pyatt, E. (2016). Tactile Graphics: Digital Fabrication and Assistive Technologies for the Blind. Paper presented at A2RU, Denver, CO.

    Knochel, A., Keifer-Boyd, K., Patton, R., & Sweeny, R. (2016). Critical Digital Making: 21st Century Art Education (in)Formation. Panel presented at The Penn State Seminar @50: Transdisciplinary Inquiry, Practice, and Possibilities, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.


    Jul 2017. Drawing Together. Arts Fest, State College, PA

    Mar 2017. Drawing Together. Creative Technologies Symposium, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY

    Oct 2016. Drawing Together Demo. Borland Project Space, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

    Jun 2016. Summer Institute on Contemporary Art Scholar in Residence. Palmer Museum of Art, University Park, PA

    Mar 2016. Placeable: Mapping, Mobility, and New Media Art Educational Practices. Workshop with Karen Keifer-Boyd, Ryan Patton, & Robert Sweeny. National Art Education Association Convention, Chicago, IL